Tuesday, April 26, 2011

All Dolled Up on a Pretty Spring Day

These pictures were taken outside church two weeks ago when I figured out that these dresses, given to the girls by cousins Amy and Caitlin at their baptism, finally fit! Amy and Caitlin wore the same dresses to the baptism, and if Amy and Caitlin did not grow like weeds, they might, perhaps, still fit into them (which would make for quite a cute picture). However, I have it on good authority that said cousins are bigger than ever these days :-) Nonetheless, I hope they enjoy seeing Emma and Caroline in their dresses and remember the fun time they had in Louisiana!

Emma wasn't so keen on having Caroline give her a hug.

My brown-eyed girl and her Morson family half-smile :-)

Hat Day

Discipline has been challenging lately, and I have to say that Lucas and I have not been completely prepared for the "Terrible Twos" given how sweet and gentle our girls have been up to now (and yes, we know how lucky we are!). In fact, we got a call from school just the other day telling us that one of our girls (who will remain unnamed so that this blog cannot be used against her in the years to come) PUNCHED the other on the playground. The red mark that remained around her sister's eye for several days was evidence that the incident was serious enough to warrant the call we received!

So I am sharing this picture in no small part to remind myself that while things may have gotten a little rough lately, I still have super cute and truly happy and smiley little girls most of the time. This picture was taken one morning as the girls were leaving for school. They had simply decided that it was a great day for hats and searched the drawers in their room until they found some. Emma's didn't even fit her anymore, but they were so happy about having them that we let them bring the hats to school and keep them on as long as they wanted. Sometimes they're just (two) too cute!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Last weekend we went to my high school's annual fair, which is called Conge (French for a short respite or break), and the girls had a fantastic time roaming the campus and playing with Ma Mere and Papa. It was a perfect spring day of food, family, music, and fun.

Playing on the lawn and listening to music.

Ma Mere and Papa were on hand to push a swing or buy a sweet treat or whatever else the girls wanted.

The girls had a great time playing house. They are really starting to understand imaginative play.

Caroline "driving" on the playground.

Emma dancing to the live music.

Mama's Make Up

The pictures below are  fairly self explanatory... We seem to be finding the girls with my make-up a lot these days. They've definitely hit the stage where mimicking everything Lucas and I do is a favorite pastime and their greatest challenge. It would be easy to get angry at some of the things they do... if only they didn't look so darn cute doing it!

Unfortunately, I had only bought this lipstick the week before...

Lucas calls this Caroline's Lady Gaga look.