Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Things We Do

 Things are very busy in the life of a 2 1/2 year old, and when your best friend lives right at home with you, the party never stops! The following pictures show a few of the things that occupy our time these days as we seek to satisfy our curiosity, entertain (and be entertained), learn, and, hopefully, tire ourselves out by 8:00.

We ride our tricycles, even in dresses- because that's what Southern girls do!

We make a bed out of the (non-working) fireplace
We dance and play giro tondo

We dress up like gangsta rappers

We're so cute as gangsta rappers it's worth two pics!

We play with puzzles and other fun toys

And even when we say we're going to help mama fold the laundry, sometimes, we just need a rest!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Movin' On Up

As of the second week of June, the girls transitioned into a new class at their preschool. They said goodbye to Ms. Geneva and are now in Ms. Michelle's class. While we will miss Ms. Geneva terribly, we are happy to be back in the same room as Oliver (Emma's little man) and Caleb (to whom Caroline blows kisses) and to be in a room where there is more focus on potty training. The transition seemed to be fairly easy on the girls, although they will still tell you that Ms. Geneva is their teacher. I guess if that's the worst of their confusion, we're doing alright!

Ms. Michelle

Swimming Lessons

Caroline turning and reaching for the wall
 The girls took two weeks of swimming lessons in mid-June, and although they are not ready to join the Olympic team, we are very pleased with the progress they made in such a short time. They now know how to put their heads under, kick, turn and swim for the wall, and even jump off the diving board. Their teacher, "Miss" Blake always had positive things to say about their attitude and cooperativeness. We would expect nothing less!
Emma emerging from a swim

Caroline swimming across the width of the pool
Caroline jumping off the diving board

Waiting to jump off the diving board