Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Barney with Mere and Papa

Allow me to introduce you to Caroline and Emma's first love: Barney. I'm still not sure how the big purple dinosaur made his way into our lives and rooted so firmly into our daily routine, but there is not question that he is the one person the girls shout (and yes, often whine) to see when they get home from school. It's a sad state of affairs, but being the indulgent parents that we are, we arranged for a rendezvous between the girls and their love when Barney came to Baton Rouge a few weeks ago. Mere and Papa were our special guests and scored bonus points by purchasing Barney balloons (which are still floating around our house weeks later) for the girls to play with throughout the performance. Cost for the tickets: $27/person; cost for the balloons: $5 each; my rating of the production: about a 4 out of 10; seeing the girls sing and dance along to their favorite tunes... well, you know...

1 comment:

  1. Oh, so sorry. I have banned Barney in our house. Saw too much of it years ago as an Uncle.
