Monday, April 23, 2012

Conge 2012

We had a marathon weekend this past week, with the girls' annual school art show on Saturday (blog post forthcoming), a family wedding Saturday night, and Conge (my high school's annual fair) on Sunday. The pics above come from Conge, where there were horseback rides for the kids among many other games and treats. This was by far the main attraction as far as Emma and Caroline were concerned! While most of the other games cost no more than one ticket, the girls' expensive taste led them to spend four tickets each time they rode the horses- no fewer than 4 times each! Of course, there is always a ton to do at Conge, and the girls also enjoyed dancing to the live music with cousin Mary Elizabeth, playing the sand box and rubber ducky games, and convincing Papa Bill to buy them sweet treats all afternoon long. By 4:00, neither girl had had a nap, but both were still wanting to play games and pretend in the school playhouse. Needless to say, I had a  very quiet car ride home, neither girl making it out of Grand Coteau before they were asleep. It was a beautiful day, and as they say, a good time was had by all.

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